Meet the Governors of Christ Church CE (VA) Junior School
Governing Board Overview:
Miss A. Embleton - Headteacher, Ex-Officio
Ms R. Lumb - Chair of Governors, Pupil Premium Governor
Revd. Tommy Dalglish - Vice Chair of Governors, Foundation
Ms S. Smith - Foundation
Miss R. Larkin - Foundation, Pupil Premium
Miss E. Mor - Staff, SEND Governor
Mr I. Ross - Local Authority
Associate Member:
Miss A. Firth, Deputy Headteacher
5 vacant Foundation Governor Seats
2 vacant Parent Governor Seat
Governors can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governing Board
The Governing Board plays a vital part in the running of the school. They meet half termly and work extremely hard to support the Headteacher in making decisions about every aspect of school life.
The Full Governing Board three times per term, focusing on a different aspect of school management at each meeting. the focuses for meetings are as follows:
The School Improvement meeting focuses on standards of teaching and learning throughout school.
The Resources meeting focuses on the sound financial management of the school.
The General & Christian Ethos meeting focuses on maintaining the vision and aims of the school in a distinctively Christian context, attendance, behaviour, welfare and safeguarding of pupils.
Click here to see further information about the role of the Governing Board
Meet the Governors of Christ Church CE (VA) Junior School
Governing Board Overview:
Miss A. Embleton - Headteacher, Ex-Officio
Ms R. Lumb - Chair of Governors, Pupil Premium Governor
Revd. Tommy Dalglish - Vice Chair of Governors, Foundation
Ms S. Smith - Foundation
Miss R. Larkin - Foundation, Pupil Premium
Miss E. Mor - Staff, SEND Governor
Mr I. Ross - Local Authority
Associate Member:
Miss A. Firth, Deputy Headteacher
5 vacant Foundation Governor Seats
2 vacant Parent Governor Seat
Governors can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governing Board
The Governing Board plays a vital part in the running of the school. They meet half termly and work extremely hard to support the Headteacher in making decisions about every aspect of school life.
The Full Governing Board three times per term, focusing on a different aspect of school management at each meeting. the focuses for meetings are as follows:
The School Improvement meeting focuses on standards of teaching and learning throughout school.
The Resources meeting focuses on the sound financial management of the school.
The General & Christian Ethos meeting focuses on maintaining the vision and aims of the school in a distinctively Christian context, attendance, behaviour, welfare and safeguarding of pupils.
Click here to see further information about the role of the Governing Board