Robinwood 2020
Our trip to the Robinwood centre at Dobroyd Castle in Todmorden took place at the beginning of January. Year 6 packed their walking boots and woolly jumpers to make sure that they were prepared for all the outdoor activities which were in store for them.
Canoeing, climbing, caving, archery, obstacle courses, the zip wire to name just a few... activities carry on up to bedtime! The residential visit promotes team work, resilience and confidence, encouraging children to step out of their comfort zones and achieve things which they may not have previously thought themselves capable of.
This year, we were delighted by all the positive feedback from Robinwood staff about the excellent attitudes of our children. We know they're a bunch of superstars, but it's always nice to hear it from someone else too!
Everyone had a great time and hopefully created lots of wonderful memories for years to come. Here are just a few photos of the trip for this year.